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Brief History of Reading EX British Gurkhas Association (REBGA)

                                                                                         Charity Registered no. 1143839

Reading Ex British Gurkhas Association (REBGA) is a charity organisation and was registered with the England and Wales Charity commission in September 2011. This Organisation was founded in October 2006 and has members of retired British Gurkhas who reside in and around Reading Borough Council area. This is an Independent, non-political and non-profit organisation, which comprises of all members from different Gurkha Background organisation, such as Gurkha Association Ex Serviceman Organisation(GAESO), British Gurkha Welfare Society (BGWS), Unified British Gurkha Ex Association (UBGA), Nepal Ex-serviceman Association (NESA) and the Forgotten Gurkhas. We (REBGA) are here to help & support all its members regardless of their background castes and tribes


The main objective of the organisation is to promote goodwill and co-operation amongst the EX Gurkha and their spouses living in Reading, provide welfare and financial support to the members and its dependants as necessary. It also endeavours to preserve and maintain our culture and tradition, foster good relationship between all Nepalese communities, the British people and its communities.


Our Motto is to bring “UNITY & HARMONY” between all Ex- Gurkhas and their family that are living in Reading Berkshire and its surrounding areas. The REBGA currently has over 600 ex Gurkha members and there are thought to be many more ex Gurkhas who are yet to be registered with the association. This is due to them being recently settling in or too old to communicate or not knowing about the REBGA. The trend of old and new generations of Gurkhas coming and settling in the area of Reading is increasing significantly over the years. This trend will remain as long as Gurkhas are recruited into the British Army.

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